Thursday, December 1, 2011

Is it Already December?!?

Back in my "real job" working days, I knew the day of the week, day of the month, how many hours left until 5:00, how many days until my next vacation get the picture.  Time is now different for me.  While I thought that maybe life would slow down (and it some ways it has) the time still seems to fly by.  Most of the time now though I don't know what day of the week it is or if it's the first of the month or middle of the month.  So my point is I have neglected my blog already and now it's already December.  So I am just going to do a quick recap.

I completed my very first 5k, and RAN the WHOLE way (yes we are decked out for Halloween, we even had capes)!!!  I did think I was going to die at one point, and probably would have slithered off the trail and gone home had my sister-in-law Sara not been there.  But she was encouraging and patient (when she really probably wanted to leave me in the dust, I'm sure she doesn't understand how one can run so slow and get so out of breath so very quickly) so I finished it.  The pictures don't lie!  And while I am glad I did it, I will never do one again nor pretend that I like running. 

Halloween and Thanksgiving have come and gone.  Halloween was fun, I actually made McKenzie's costume this year (I know I know I am awesome) and Aidan was Bumblebee.  Thanksgiving was a lot of fun with the family but a little too much turkey, booze, and Black Friday-ness, and then a little too much fam...needless to say it took me a good four days to recover.  Aidan also starred in a Thanksgiving day much fun to watch a bunch of K5 kids put on a production.
We also had Aidan's 6th birthday (still getting over the fact that I have a 6 year old) - we partied for an entire week at school, home, and the BOUNCE HOUSE.  It really brought me a lot of joy to be able to have a birthday party for him this year, we usually do a family thing but I guess we've hit that point of no return where a "real" birthday party is necessary.  He was in heaven, so I was too.

So there you have it, just a glimpse. 

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